Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fable II - an irresistible adventure that truely entertains

Albion is a World that traps you in an irresistible cyber net in the game, Fable 2. From gargoyles to flirtatious women, Fable II tempts you in exploring its finely crafted world in an adventure you'd enjoy experiencing.

You'd start your journey as a small child and the developer gives you just enough background story to kick start your adventure. The interesting thing about Fable 2 is the organic evolution based on choices you make in the game. You will be put to the test based on your morality during the course. Although there is a lack of meaningful interaction, it is the non-linear growth of your character, coupled with enchanting visuals that will give you an entertaining experience.

Get a copy of the game and be prepared to stay glued to your TV for a while. I know because I couldn't put it down till I reach the credits!

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